Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Business Relationship Tip: It's the Little Things

From the July 23rd issue of "I Can Relate: Business Relationship Tips from Jacki Semerau." Enjoy!

It's the Little Things

We often get so wrapped up in the big things, that we forget what we consider to be "little things." But this week, I want to remind you that it's the little things that are infinitely more important.

Not too long ago, I had a client call me unexpectedly. I had done some extra work on their marketing campaign and put in some extra hours for to help the company meet an important deadline they were facing. This client called simply to say "Thank You" for putting in the extra effort. That was it...the entire purpose of the call. It took less than 3 minutes, and yet it had a tremendous impact on me.

It's cooking a meal even though you've had a tough day at work. It's giving your kids your undivided attention for just 5 minutes, even though you've got a million things on your plate. It's smiling at that complete stranger you just made eye contact with, instead of quickly looking away. It's sending flowers to someone who's ill. It's remembering what your client's favorite candy is, and then bringing some with as a gift the next time you'll see them.

Throughout the years, I've witnessed time and again the amazing power that the Little Things have had. If you stop and think, I bet you can come up with at least a dozen in the next 60 seconds. Go ahead....try it!
We're all after the big results, the big clients, the big score! But remember, the Big Things are just a lot of Little things all put together. So this week's tip is to take the extra few minutes to do something nice for someone...something little that could have a big impact.

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