Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Moving from Commitment to Action

What do you need to commit to?  As 2010 approaches, what things in your life do you "wish"  for, "hope" for, or "really" want?

Because if you REALLY want it, it's up to YOU to make it happen.

No one is out there waiting to magically manifest your heart's desire on your behalf.  And if your actions are not in line with your desires, you WILL suffer. You WILL experience discontent. I know, I've lived it.

We hear about Positive Affirmations all the time.  All too often, we stop there.  We determine that we'll create our vision, cut out pictures from magazines and put them on a Dream Board, write our desires on a white board above our desk, carry 3x5 note cards along with us, whatever.  Then we sit back, stare at our Vision Boards, and wait for the magic to happen.  Meanwhile we sit in front of the TV, play video games, or chat on the phone with our best friends trying to figure out why we're not going anywhere.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do you have a millionaire mind?

You don't know what you don't know. Last weekend at the Millionaire Mind Intensive held in Phoenix, I awoke to find there was alot about money, financial mindset, and money management that I didn't know. I learned about my "Money Blueprint," and found out why I believed certain things about money. More importantly, I learned how to overcome my negative money beliefs by creating empowering habits. It's only been 5 days since the event, and already I've seen a significant increase in business. It's truly amazing!

So I HAD to let everyone I possibly could know about this event led by T. Harv Eker, CEO of Peak Potentials Training. Watch this video to get a small taste of what you'll experience. If you're interested, contact me to learn how you might be able to attend this event for FREE!

Click Here for More Information

Until Next Time...Think Wealthy!