Monday, July 25, 2011

Social Media Stalking

Social Media Stalking: "Social Media Use Can Bring Hidden Dangers"

It's not about fear, it's about awareness. Too often people don't think about the possible ramifications of their actions. It's true in all aspects of life. The difference in social media is that the information you're putting out there is potentially being broadcast to the whole world.

I know first-hand, and was recently interviewed by KPHO CBS 5 News reporter Elizabeth Erwin because of it. You can watch the video to learn more about how I unknowingly put myself in danger. But since social media strategy is a part of what I do in my business, I felt it important to give a few tips to help you Practice Safe Social Media!

A few safety tips:

1. Stop checking in and sharing it with the world! If you're using geolocation apps like Foursquare or Gowalla, keep your checkins private. You can still get the deals without creating a history of your favorite places for all the world to see. Stop letting it post to Twitter or Facebook. Speaking of Facebook....
2. Don't use Facebook Places! I know many people SAY they're only connecting with people they are friends with in real life. But I challenge you to go through that friends list. How well do you REALLY know that guy you went to elementary school with 30 years ago? Or the person you met once at a friend's boyfriend's birthday happy hour. Or your co-worker from 3 years ago. And they are, connected to a platform where you use your real name, probably list your date of birth, and probably have pictures of your loved ones posted somewhere. So how you can you TRULY know their intent?
3. Make sure OTHERS can't check you in using Facebook Places. Here's how:
Log into Facebook
In the upper right, click the drop down arrow on "Account"
Choose "Privacy Settings"
In the middle of the page, choose "Customize Settings"
Scroll down to "Friends can check me in to Places"
Choose "Edit settings"
Change "enabled" to "disabled"
Click "okay"
Now you're not allowing someone else to advertise you're out somewhere if you're in a group setting. Many times people are unaware they've been "checked in." Even if this weren't a safety issue, it's still a privacy issue.

Like Krys Vanslyke states in this video interview, "When it comes to privacy, you don't need to worry about what the average person would do." It only takes one sick person to ruin your life. But a little awareness and common sense can go a long way towards keeping you safe in the land of social media.

Until Next Time,Jacki

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